Clean System

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Detailed Standards
Detailed Standards
Definition of solicitation

Solicitation refers to all expression of intention by the solicitor, including requests that may affect the work and decisions of Company executives or employees for the purpose of his/her or other people’s gains.

Standards for determining fairness that affects the work or decision making (*Regulations of the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission)
  • - Actions where employees receiving solicitations incur interests to themselves whether they accept or reject the solicitation.
  • - Actions where employees feel psychologically burdened to conduct fair business due to the solicitor's request.

Scope of matters subject to recommendation/solicitation report
  • - The scope of solicitation is broadened beyond the legal range to include all expressions of intention that could hinder fairness.
  • - In ambiguous cases where it is unclear whether it is a solicitation or regular business, the principle is to report 100% of all content to the Jeong-Do Management Office without judging whether it is a solicitation.
  • - Any executive or employee who does not report the case even if he/she was aware that it is recommendation/solicitation may face severe sanctions by the HR.

Processing recommendation/solicitation reports

Results of a recommendation/solicitation must be managed separately by relevant departments, such as HR and purchasing, and penalties may be imposed on relevant employees and/or companies.